This is the ideal learning platform for you if one or more of the following resonates with you:
- You want to “reach for the stars” and score an “A” (First) or “B” (Second Upper or 2:1) in your module(s).
- You desire to pass on your first attempt.
- You need constructive, point-by-point written comments, feedback and advice on your written answers to past exam questions (essay and problem questions). Note: Your answers are *graded* (marked) by our subject-specific instructors who each have more than 10 years’ experience as exam markers and examiners at brick-and-mortar universities in Britain, Canada, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, and the United States.
- You are starting “from scratch” or “Ground Zero”… you know nothing at all about the module(s)… and you are determined to pass the University of London exam(s).
- You are currently enrolled at another learning environment (brick-and-mortar institution, private school, tuition center, private tutor, distance learning provider, etc.), but do not feel confident about passing the exam(s).
- You would like additional or remedial lessons, whether on an ad hoc or regular basis (once or twice a week, in an online or in-person group, or individually).
- You are considering applying to a LL.B or LL.M program at University of London or another law school anywhere in the world, and would like several lessons so you can determine suitability for your interests and needs.
- You are taking law modules at other law schools, or in a non-law program, and would like to be tutored by us.
- You are studying law at Master’s or Doctoral level at another university and require occasional or regular one-on-one tutoring.
- You are a younger or older learner, or you are a working professional, and desire lessons on an individual basis, or in a small group with similar others.
- You failed the module(s) previously, while enrolled with an institution, studying on your own, or with a WhatsApp group, and you do not know what you need to do (or know) to pass.
- You are not currently enrolled with us, and you need *really last-minute* revision, exam prep and/or What It Takes To Write A 70+/60+/50+ Answer. Note: You can take lessons with us or request our Marking service anytime, up to 48 hours before your exam.