Yes, we do.
We provide one-on-one tutoring, group lessons, and revision classes for law modules in nearly all areas, specific to your law school’s course requirements and assessment styles.
Our instructors are well-placed to tutor and coach you through your law exams.
To date, we have tutored law students at Boston, McGill, NUS, SMU, Toronto, UCSD, and more.
We also offer exam prep classes and tutoring for Bar exams in various jurisdictions.
Individually, our award-winning instructors have over two decades of experience as examiners, course developers, and faculty teaching law modules at universities in Britain, Canada, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, and the United States.
And yes, Our Guarantee that you will pass (your module, a specific exam, or dissertation, depending on what you are prepping for) applies if you sign up with us for regular one-on-one or group lessons.
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