Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is the University of London LL.B program?

2.  Why the University of London LL.B?

3.  What is the Qualifying Law Degree or QLD track?

4.  I live in the Austria / Canada / Japan / USA / anywhere else in the world.  How useful is the University of London law degree?  Does the degree allow me to practice law in my country?

5.  How do I apply for the University of London LL.B degree program?

6.  I am not sure if I meet the University’s admission requirements.

7.  What are the fees payable to University of London?

8.  Where do I take the exam(s)?

9.  When are the University’s law exams?

10. What is the minimum and maximum number of years allowed to complete the LL.B?

11.  What is the CertHE in Common Law qualification?

12.  What academic support does the University provide?  Why should I take classes with you?

13.  How does the University assess students?

14.  What are the pass rates like for these exams?  What about the average mark per module?

15.  Since the University of London’s LL.B program is suitable for self-study, can’t I just study on my own?

16.  My friends who are studying for the LL.B suggest that I join them in their WhatsApp discussions.  After all, it is free.  What are the benefits of signing up with you instead of joining them?

17.  How does your online teaching compare with: (1) brick-and-mortar schools; and (2) private tutors?

18.  Do you offer any guarantee?

19.  I am currently enrolled with [a brick-and-mortar institution].  The lecturers are doing a poor job and I am worried I will fail.  Is it too late to sign up with  you?

20.  I enrolled with [a brick-and-mortar institution] in my country, and failed two modules.  I badly need to pass.  Can you help? 

21.  Do you accept younger learners?  What about working adults or retirees?

22.  I prefer one-on-one lessons.  Is that possible?

23.  Do you have revision classes?

24.  I missed the signup for semester classes.  Can I sign up now… or wait till the revision class?

25.  How soon can I start?

26.  Can you mark my written answers to past exam questions and show what’s required in a 60+/70+ mark answer?

27.  My exam is in two days, and I need last-minute help.

28.  I am interested in the University of London’s Master of Laws (LL.M).  Can you tell me about the program?

29.  Do you teach the University of London’s Master of Laws (LL.M)?

30.  Do you also prep students for law modules taught at other law schools?

31.  What about at the Doctoral level?

Still Have Questions?

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