All of our instructors have at least 25 years of experience teaching law modules in brick-and-mortar universities, as well as in hybrid, online, and live online classes.

Another distinctive factor: our instructors have developed and updated many law modules for law (LL.B, JD, LL.M) and non-law (MBA, engineering, accountancy) programs, and have written curriculum and study guides for universities around the world.

We were among the earliest to teach in the online space, and now specialize in this method of delivery.

If you are trying to decide between us and another learning environment (whether a location-based institution,  private tutoring, or video-based distance learning), here are some factors to help you decide.


(1)  In brick-and-mortar institution settings, you attend classes at a specific physical location each week.

This is ideal if the location is convenient to where you live or work.

But what do you do during winter snowstorms or blizzards… heavy thunderstorms and flooded roads… or if you cannot attend class because of a family or medical situation… if your work requires frequent out-of-town travel, or you are constantly on-call?

Brick-and-mortar schools tend to start classes between January and September, and end the following February.

But you are planning to take the exams are in May… and/or October.

Also, instructors at these schools tend to follow a “from start to finish,” “A to Z” style of teaching.

Another thing you should be made aware of: many of these schools tend to hire their students to teach; in some cases, the “teachers” haven’t graduated yet, but are teaching that module they *just passed* in the most recent exam!  (We know which schools!)

Disgruntled students from these schools have told us that their previous instructors were merely “talking heads,” regurgitating from written lecture notes or textbooks — but clueless on how to “connect the dots” so students understand how to apply legal principles, statues, or court rulings to real life situations.

Then there was that one teaching institution which, in late 2017, decided to lay off its EU Law and Equity & Trust instructors because the enrollment was lower than expected! (We know which school!)  Any surprise, then, that *all* students in both enrolled classes failed in May 2018?!

Recently, a potential student told our Program Coordinator why she was not going back to her school: she realized, several weeks before her exam, that her Tort instructor had not covered 25% of the course material!

If you are looking for a physical location to attend class — and free flow of coffee!! — and you don’t mind having inexperienced instructors (who may themselves have just completed that particular module they now teach… yes, we know who they are!), then go ahead and enroll with them.

But if you are serious about scoring an “A” (First Class) or “B” (Second Upper or 2:1), we get you there.


(2) If cost (as in “the cheaper, the better”) is your primary consideration, and you are scrolling through classified ads or posts on Craigslist, Gumtree, YouTube or similar websites and have already called around to ask for pricing, you will — or you should — know this: many of these private tutors are freelancers, tutoring on the side for extra income… or trying to recoup their fees.

Some advertisements state that the tutor obtained a “First” or “Upper Second” in that subject. Ask further, and you may be surprised to find that they are in Year 2 or Year 3 of the LL.B — i.e., they are students themselves.

Can you spot the harm in such a situation?

In addition to being “talking heads,” reading from lecture notes (whether their own, or those from the school they attended), these private tutors may be “here today, gone tomorrow”… they are not full-time tutors, and they are not fully committed to their students.

This means they could quit on their students partway through (for a new, full-time position, for instance). (We know of two instances!)

Or they may simply not show up for your lesson (if they have something else going on at the same time).  (We know of several instances!)

And, because, to them, this is just a part-time gig, they do not stake their reputation on their students’ grades or achievements.

How do we know all this?  Because many of our students recounted their experiences with “fly by night” freelance tutors.


We, on the other hand, are fully committed to our students — and their grades.

Why? Because this is our full-time job. Teaching LL.B and LL.M is what we do — full-time.

We are experienced law instructors and current (or past) Examiners, Exam Chairs, External Examiners or Doctoral Advisers at other higher ed institutions.

Our goal is twofold: get our students to an “A” (First) or “B” (Second Upper) in the subject, along with the ability to analyze and apply what they learn to any real life scenario.

We have an unparalleled success rate — and amazing feedback from students.

Additionally, many of us have won numerous teaching excellence awards at reputable brick-and-mortar universities in Asia, Europe, and North America.

And we are good at what we do; which is why we dare to offer Our Guarantee.

Contact Us to learn more.  Or Sign Up With Us Here.

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