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This course explores the relationship between multinational enterprises or MNEs and the law.

It does this from two perspectives, one is to think about the impact of the law on multinational enterprises, and the other is to think about the impact of multinational enterprises on the law.

We will consider these two relationships from the perspectives of three different parties; governments, civil society actors and multinational enterprises themselves.

Multinational enterprises take many forms; they can be in the form of companies or partnerships located in different countries. The important thing to remember is that they are linked together in various ways.

Multinational Enterprises are the subject of deeply divided opinion, and they play an important role in the economies, political structures and the cultures of countries around the world.

This course seeks to cover all sorts of perspectives on this divisive subject.

Module A: Multinational Enterprises In Context


Module B: National Regulation of Multinational Enterprises


Module C: International Regulation and Protection of Multinational Enterprises


Module D: Fields of Concern For Multinational Enterprises



Each module will be assessed by a 45-minute unseen written examination.


The modules must be attempted in order.

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